RARE16 Edinburgh Volunteer Form
All volunteers must purchase a ticket.  
Those volunteering for the most time will be chosen first
Lunch will be provided for those volunteering the entire day
Those volunteering for the entire day will enter with early entrance admittance and have 1.5 hours to meet with authors to have your items signed. You may be allotted additional time if the author you are assisting can spare you throughout the day.
Depending on budget volunteers may get an extra present!

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Email address and contact information
Have you ever attended a signing before *
Have you ever volunteered at a signing event before, if so when and which event? (There is no "correct" answer, it helps us guage how many voulunteers may need further explanation)?t
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How much of the day are you able to commit to volunteering?   *
Are you local to the signing area or how far away are you? Will you be there the night before the event? *
Do you have a blog, if so what is the name of the blog? *
Please check the all the jobs you are willing to do *
Who are your top 5 attending authors? *
Anything else you think we need to know?
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