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KIDS IndieFlow - Join the Waitlist
Hula Hoop and Poi Spinning is SO much fun!
It improves hand eye coordination, spatial awareness, concentration and is super fun. Beri involves a lot of musicality and dancing as well.

These two different workshops fall under bigger category of flow arts.

What is Flow Arts? Flow Arts is the term given to a performance and movement art form that brings together multiple disciplines such as martial arts, dance and circus.

IndieFlow is India's only Flow Arts organization, was started in 2016, Over the years, we have conducted multiple workshops, events, community meetups and outreach initiatives in order to spread this beautiful art form. IndieFlow was founded by Yacobeh and SarenaBeri, both well known Flow Artists and Fire Performers who have performed at multiple festivals, events and shows across the country. They have been teaching for years and have grown this community in the city. These sessions are open to adults and kids alike.

Beri shall personally be taking the KIDS' sessions at IndieFlow and will be guiding the kids through their journey and what prop type and size is correct from them. You can find her on

If you would like to speak to Beri directly, please contact at
Mobile: +91 80735 09383;

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Please enter you child's full name. *
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Prop you'd like your child to learn *
Preferred Day and time- weekday/weekend (time slot)
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IndieFlow Poi.
Thank you! If it's something you need to clarify, you can contact us directly on +91 8073509383 (Beri) .
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