Daca aveti in componenta trupei minori trimiteti pe adresa de email:
festivalul.rockniasi@gmail.com declaratia unui parinte sau a tutorelui legal (scanata). Declaratia trebuie sa cuprinda faptul ca tutorele legal a luat la cunostinta regulamentul rock`n`iasi, este de acord ca minorul sa participe si faptul ca organizatorii nu se fac raspunzatori de nici un incident in care ar putea fi implicat minorul. Daca nu primim declaratia pe email trupa nu va intra in concurs. Aveti aici un model de declaratie:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3EtLLhhdiQ_N0QteHRCeFdsaUk/edit?pli=1 (Any minors must send an email with a permission statement(scanned) from parents or legal guardians to the following e-mail address:
festivalul.rockniasi@gmail.com. The statement must include an acknowledgement of Rock `n` Iasi rules and regulations, permission of participation of the minor and agreement of the fact that organizers take no responsibility for any incident involving the minor. The band will not be able to enter the competition without this statement or a statement failing to fulfill the requirements mentioned above. Here is a model of how the statement should look like:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3EtLLhhdiQ_N0QteHRCeFdsaUk/edit?pli=1 )