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For her at this stage , not <crying> is a great achievement but she hopes that some day she will reach a better balance so that her tears will be for herself rather than to make an impression on others .
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` Duck ! ' <cried> out Dr Hill .
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` <Crying> In The Chapel ' was first recorded by C&W singer Darrell Glenn in 1953 and immediately covered by The Orioles , a group headed by the glorious voice that was Sonny Tills .
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If I tried to talk to him , I used to start <crying> and he would say , ` Oh God ! ' and tell me I was useless .
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Soaked , muddy and dejected ; children <crying> and adults becoming ill-tempered ; people jostling , arguing and complaining as they slipped in the mud .
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When a person believes this great good news , and the Holy Spirit of Jesus invades his being , he <cries> out , ` Abba , Father , ' and knows the joy of the unclouded embrace of the Father .
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By being on top he avoids being vulnerable , but vulnerable he is and , contrary to appearances , sensitive in the extreme and often <crying> out for dependency .
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Literally I <cried> that night and then I did n't cry again .
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LOYAL Bluemen like you and Malcolm Brodie must have been <crying> in your beer when Bangor turned Linfield over yet again this week .
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People moan and <cry> when they are in pain .
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It 's a technique of scanning an image and <enlarging> it through a battery of airbrushes controlled by a computer .
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A depot for twenty cars , which was subsequently <enlarged> and today serves as a garage , was built on Whitegate Drive , near the Saddle Inn .
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The university share of higher-education students should rise from 55 per cent to 60 per cent ; existing universities should therefore be <enlarged> , six new universities created , and ten existing institutions ( or federations ) within the public sector promoted to university status .
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The exhibition , which is free , is supported by the Royal Liver Assurance , Fuji film and the Liverpool city centre 's Colour Copy Centre , which <enlarged> all the original prints .
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New theoretical paradigms have emerged that are centred on people 's actions , networking among grassroots organisations , the cultivation of a popular movement , the creation of new ` languages ' and symbols by the people themselves ( thus <enlarging> their cultural space ) , and a reclamation of the change process .
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The grounds of appeal are not viewed formally and may be <enlarged> at a later stage .
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The brain had <enlarged> later in order to exploit the tool-making capacities of hands that were now freed from the task of locomotion .
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Photographs can reduce the scale of a monument or <enlarge> a detail for scrutiny .
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By the summer , the same show had been <enlarged> and retitled Jolly Jack or The Heart that Beats for a Sailor .
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The second feature of bureaucracy which has <enlarged> its area of political influence over the choices to be made among values , priorities and objectives , rather than merely the technical means to be employed , is the discretionary power of officials .
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