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Workshop Request Form
初めまして。Earth Photographerの辰ノ口奈稔子です。

Hello.This is an Earth Photographer Namiko Tatsunokuchi. If you would like to schedule a workshop, just fill out the request form to let me know your interests and we'll set up a convenient schedule and location.

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ご年齢は? / How old are you? *
講座を受けるのにご都合のいいお時間帯は? / What times are  convenient for you?
性別は?/ Gender *
講師への質問 / Do you have a question?
なぜ写真を学びたいのですか?/ Why you would like to learn photography? *
理想のご予算は?(単発の場合)/ How much is your budget? (Once)
お持ちのレンズを教えてください(レンズ)/ Lens(es) do you use?
理想のご予算は?(オリジナルコースの場合)  回数はカウンセリング後に決めます。/ How much is your budget for original course? I would decide the times after the conversation.
三脚はお持ちですか?/ Do you have a tripod?
最寄駅は?/ Where is the nearest station? *
ご連絡方法は?/ Preferred method of contact (Phone,Email,SNS,Line) *
技法を学びたい/ How to shoot
お電話番号は?/ What's your phone number? *
ストロボは何をお持ちですか? / Do you have a strobe?
Eメールアドレスは? / What's your email address? *
目指すところは? / What level would you like to be?
レリーズはお持ちですか? Do you have a release?
ご職業は?/ What's your occupation? *
お持ちのカメラを教えてください(ボディー)/ Type(s) of camera(s) will you use?
何を撮ってみたいですか?(複数回答OK)/ What kind of photos would you like to take?(more than one answer)
よくお使いになるSNSは?/ Which SNS do you use? *
お名前は?/ What's your name? *
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