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Rose Tournament at Gulf Wars XXVI
The Ansteorran Order of the Rose invite all rapier fighters in the Known World to Gulf Wars on Friday, March 17, 2017 at 9am to vie in a tournament of skill for the honor of their chosen Rose.

Each member of the Order of the Rose (or your kingdom's equivalent) may sponsor two combatants, only one of which can be a recipient of a grant or peerage level rapier award. Each fighter must check-in at the tournament with their Rose present, or a letter of favor for their entry.

This online sign-up form is not meant to negate checking-in with the list administrators before the beginning of the tournament, but to help facilitate and speed the process.

Online sign-up will close on Friday, March 10, 2017. If you wish to sign up at Gulf War, you may do so directly before the tournament.
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What is the combatant's ranking rapier award?
Master of Defense, White Scarf, Bronze Ring, etc
What is the combatant's name?
This should be the name (and any official titles) you wish to hear when the Herald's call you onto the field.
What kingdom is the combatant from?
Which kingdom are you living in now?
What is the name of the Rose who has granted you favor?
The full name and title of the Rose being championed during the tournament.
What kingdom is the sponsoring Rose from?
Which kingdom is the Rose living in now?
What weapon forms are you authorized in?
Which blades and styles can you legally use?
With whom are you affiliated?
Please list any affiliations that you have that we can use to avoid pairing you with someone you fight regularly. This is no guarantee that it will not happen, but the list administrators will do their best.
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