Inaugural Learning, Teaching & Research Conference - 9 June 2016
Thank you for your interest in the University of Bradford's annual learning, teaching and research conference.
You are encouraged to attend for the whole day; however, when absolutely necessary, you can attend for half a day.
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Family name: *
Known as name: *
Staff ID / Student UoB Number: *
Faculty/Directorate *
Email address: *
Please give your University of Bradford email address in full and ensure you have typed it correctly. This address will be used for all correspondence relating to the conference.
Morning session - are you attending? *
Registration from 9.15 am to lunch at 12.30 pm (times may be subject to minor change)
Afternoon session - are you attending? *
1.30 pm to 4.30 pm (times may be subject to minor change)
Do you require lunch? *
12.30 pm to 1.30 pm (times may be subject to minor change)
Dietary requirements: *
Data protection - delegates list * *
The information provided in this form will be used only for purposes of organising/evaluating the conference. Please give your consent for your name, faculty and email address to be added to the delegates list and included in the conference pack.
Video/photography *
Elements of the conference will be captured on video and photographs taken. These will be available via the web site and, potentially, used to promote learning, teaching and research at Bradford which may include printed publications. If this presents any issues for you, please email
If you wish to provide clarification on any aspect of your booking, please do so here.
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