Graduate 2016
Austin Hindu Temple congratulates all the graduates of 2016 for their successful completion of the final year and wish them all the best in their future endeavors.  The temple scheduled a couple of Free “Aseervachanam” (Blessing) events  

                                                                   Saturday, June 4 2016
                                                                   11:30 am and 7:30 pm
                                                                         the Main Temple.  

All graduates of 2016 year from Middle School / High School / Under Graduate Course / Post Graduate Course are invited to participate at one of the two “Aseervachanam” events with their family and friends to take the blessings of the Almighty for a successful future.  
Please be at the temple 15 minutes in advance to your chosen slot of the event.
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Time Slot on Saturday, 6/4/2016 *
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