September 2013 Student Training
NOVA Alexandria Instructional Support and Development (IS&D) is offering the following training sessions this month. Please fill in your name and email address and then select which training(s) you are interested in from the drop-down menus. If none of these times work for you, or if you're interested in scheduling a training session for a different tool, please feel free to email us at We'll be happy to work with you !

Please note that all training sessions are offered on the Alexandria Campus in the Engineering Building. Room 206.
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NOVA Email Address *
Blackboard 101
New to Blackboard or just need some tips? Come to this workshop to learn how to navigate your classes in Blackboard, including viewing course materials, uploading assignments, taking assessments, participating in discussion forums, and communicating with your instructor.
Computer Applications & Concepts
This workshop covers basic computer applications and computer concepts, including a discussion of the Microsoft Office 2013 suite. We will explore Office’s word processing package (Word), spreadsheet program (Excel), database management system (Access), and presentation software (PowerPoint). The workshop also includes computer concepts such as operating systems, computer hardware, ethics, web authoring and publishing, computer security, and software development.
Creating Websites with HTML & FTP
Learn how to create a basic web page using HTML. This workshop covers inserting text, images, links and lists, as well as customizing your web page with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Finally, you will learn how upload your web page to the internet using FTP.
Fraud Prevention
Learn how to protect yourself from scams. This workshop covers common fraud schemes including telemarketing fraud, identity theft, advance fee schemes, insurance and investment fraud, and internet scams. You will receive tips for avoiding scams and for keeping your finances and personal identity secure
Google Apps
Learn how to use your NOVA Gmail account to access and use a variety of free Google tools including Google Drive (for creating and sharing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations), Google Calendar and a linked YouTube account.
Microsoft Office 2013: Access (Basics)
Students will explore the Access database program and learn core skills such as finding and using database templates, creating tables and modifying forms and reports. This workshop requires no previous experience with Access, but students should have basic computer knowledge and familiarity with other Microsoft programs.
Microsoft Office 2013: Access (Advanced)
This advanced workshop builds on the Access Basics class and explores more powerful aspects of Access, including pivot tables and charts, cross tab queries and macros. Students will practice adding form command buttons, adding report sections and applying advanced query wizards. The workshop also teaches students to create calculated controls and running sums. A solid grasp of basic Microsoft Access skills is required.
Microsoft Office 2013: Excel (Basics)
This workshop provides students with basic knowledge of Excel spreadsheets. At the end of the session, you will be able to create a basic spreadsheet with columns and rows, use formulas, and customize the design layout.
Microsoft Office 2013: Excel (Advanced)
This workshop builds on the Excel Basics workshop to provide students with advanced knowledge of Excel spreadsheets. Learn how to define named ranges, link multiple workbooks, import data, use pivot tables and charts, work with templates and styles, create macros, analyze data, protect files, customize toolbars, and collaborate through shared workbooks and consolidated data. This workshop assumes a working knowledge of Excel (how to create columns and rows, format cells, and use basic formulas).
Microsoft Office 2013: Word and PowerPoint
Learn the basics of creating documents and presentations using Microsoft Office 2013. This workshop covers creating, formatting, saving and printing documents; inserting pictures and tables; adjusting margins and spacing. We will also discuss ways to make your documents and presentations more visually appealing. Finally, we'll introduce you to some free alternatives to Microsoft Office.
NOVA Connect
This workshop is all about NOVA Connect: how to log in, access your information in the Student Information System (SIS), check your Financial Aid, register for classes, navigate to Blackboard and your NOVA Gmail account, and more
Bring Your Questions
Struggling with technology? Come stop by our weekly help desk sessions Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-3pm to have your questions answered by a trainer from Learning and Technology Resources
Windows is your Friend
Have you ever wished that there was a button on your keyboard that you could press and “magic” would happen? Well, you are almost there. Learn fun little shortcuts and general tips and tricks that could help you get around Windows 7.
This workshop will teach you how you can quickly take photos for your projects and clean them up for presentations to give them a professional edge. By the end of this session you will be able to get your images ready in 15 minutes or less.
Learn to use one of the most innovative tools for developing an eye-catching presentation with Prezi. In this training you will learn how to create dynamic presentations with video and interactive elements. You will also learn how you can import PowerPoint Presentations into Prezi to take a boring presentation and liven it up.
Learn programming with JAVA. This workshop covers basic object-oriented programming, including variables, functions, selection structures, loops and printing the screen.
YouTube for Research
Learn how to use YouTube for more than just entertainment. You'll learn about some fun and informative YouTube channels that can help you understand concepts in a number of disciplines such as math, science, and history. Make playlists that you can fill with useful resources and much much more.
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