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Wiki Staff Application
Fill up your application by answering these few questions sincerely.

There's nothing to be afraid of. If you are considered a valid candidate, you may be assigned a rank. If not, one of the wikia Admins will drop a message on your wikia message wall stating some points where you could improve to have higher chances to be accepted.
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Link to your wikia profile. *
What is your Discord username (with discord tag)? *
How vast is your in-game knowledge about Arcane Reborn? (share a random fact/trivia about the game here) *
Which position are you applying for? (You may pick multiple.) *
State a few reasons to support the choice you made above. *
Do you really intend to apply for the following position? [This is an awareness question. Please select "NO".] *
Are you willing to reply to all queries on your message wall/dms within 72 hours? *
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