Bascom Little Fund Application

2016 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Bascom Little Fund!  In helping us celebrate this milestone and all the creativity, ingenuity and wonderful music that has been supported and brought to life over the past half century, a number of proposals funded in last year's grant cycle showcase what the BLF has done for composers, their music, performers, our greater arts community and audiences.  We welcome further creative ideas from those who have not already scheduled celebratory programs, it is not too late to make such a proposal in the current cycle.


Composers must  reside in the Northeast Ohio region.

Applicant must have non-profit tax-exempt status or fiscal sponsorship

Performance history of at least two years at the time of application.

Demonstrated commitment to contemporary music.

All Supplemental Materials (scores/recordings etc.) may be mailed to the address listed on the Contact page, but are not required.

*The Bascom Little Fund does not fund the commission of new works.

Individuals, student ensembles, festivals and presenters without a core ensemble are not eligible. Requests from dance companies are eligible, but only for costs associated with live performances of music by Cleveland area composers.

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Contact Name *
Organization Requesting Funding *
Contact Name *
Address *
City *
Zip *
 Phone Number *
E-Mail Address *
Nature of Project *
Brief Description of Project for which funding is requested (1 paragraph) *
What Composer (s ) are involved in this project? *
Status of work(s) involved *
Estimated Total Budget of Project *
Amount requested from Bascom Little Fund *
What year did the requesting Organization receive non-profit status? *
How many concerts did the Organization present in the current year? *
number of concerts
Organizations Earned  Income (current year) *
ticket sales/concessions/tuition
Organizations Contributed Income (current year) *
Corporate Grants/ Foundations/Government Grants/ In Kind Donations
Organizations  Expenses (current year) *
Musician Salaries/Composer Fees/Production/ Venue/Rental
How many concerts did the Organization present in the previous year? *
Organizations  Earned Income (previous year) *
ticket sales/concessions/tuition
Organizations Contributed Income (previous year) *
Corporate Grants/ Foundations/Government Grants/ In Kind Donations
Organizations Expenses (previous year) *
Musician Salaries/Composer Fees/Production/ Venue/Rental
Total Project Expenses (for which you are applying) *
Musician Salaries/Venue/ Rental/Recording
Project Income *
ticket sales/ concessions/etc
Project Budget Breakdown- Venue Fees *
performance space/ piano tuning
Project Budget Breakdown- Performer Fees *
Project -Administrative *
postage,copies, etc.
Project- Rental/Licensing *
music or instrument rental/ ASCAP/BMI
Project-Advertising/Marketing *
Project- Processing Recording *
Project -Recording Engineering/Editing *
Brief Budget  Narrative *
Give a brief overview of the budget and list any items not covered in the previous questions.
Project Partner *
who are you collaborating with?
How much is the project partner contributing?
dollar amount
What other funding sources will be participating in this project and for how much?
anticipated grant funding, gifts
BRIEF Description of Composer (s) *
1 paragraph bio only
Where does the composer currently  reside? *
How long has the composer lived in the NE Ohio area? *
ie. 10 years
Will you be providing supplemental materials? If you would like supplemental materials returned, please provide self-addressed  envelope with postage. *
click all that apply, mail seperately
Does the organization agree to acknowledge the Bascom Little Fund in all advertising, social media and programs? *
These materials or print outs will be submitted for reporting purposes.
Does the composer/organization agree to report on the project and submit  programs and recordings by May 1 of funding year? *
Failure to do so will affect future funding.
Does the composer agree to submit a copy of funded recordings to the Bascom Little Fund AND WCLV? (failure to do so may affect future funding) *
Live performances and professional recordings.
How did you hear about the Bascom Little Fund?
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Please print out a copy for your own records before submitting
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