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Common sense <cries> out for a moratorium to allow the herds time to recover .
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Poets and Painters then , perhaps you 'll <cry> ,
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` A 20th century Paladin ' , <cried> US News World Report , a magazine that seldom let itself get too excited ; ` He stands alone as the sacrificed knight in the Iran-arms gambit , a true believer steeled and scarred by a lifetime of have-gun-will-travel missions . '
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This darkness and this cloud is betwixt thee and thy God , and telleth thee that thou mayest neither see him clearly by light of understanding , nor feel him in sweetness of love in thine affection , and therefore shape thee to bide in this darkness as long as thou mayest , <crying> after him that thou lovest . . .
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He tells us how he <cried> and cried when he found out the Almighty Mozzer had slung his hook and f--ed off home for a veggieburger .
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Olwyn hits Katie and makes her <cry> .
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Election Focus : . . . and I 'll <cry> if I want to
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Major <cried> , jabbing a finger in the direction of one heckler .
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But she <cried> a lot when she woke up and needed comforting .
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Women were crying and some labourers were <crying> too .
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A number of older stations , particularly on the Southern Railway , were modernized and <enlarged> , often with shops added , to accommodate extra passenger traffic .
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They use the internal chamber of the mouth as a kind of crude proto-lung , and this cavity is sometimes <enlarged> into a breathing pocket rich in blood vessels .
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Minton 's drawings do not simply illustrate Ross 's text but , in their breadth and vigour , <enlarge> upon it .
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Whales have been saved , so have seals , and nuclear power has had the question-mark over it <enlarged> .
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The acquisition of Templar estates and of alien priories likewise <enlarged> the openings for royal clerks .
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The old , old fashion -- Death ! ( 4 ) Oh thank GOD , all who see it , for that older fashion yet , of immortality ! ( 5 ) And look upon us , angels of young children , with regards not quite estranged , when the swift river bears us to the ocean ! ( 6 ) At such points Dickens has a way of <enlarging> his theme beyond the narrative pretext , addressing his readers directly as sharers of a common human lot with himself and his characters .
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The doctor will often feel it necessary to examine the pelvic organs manually to assess whether there is evidence of pelvic inflammatory disease , fibroids in the uterus , or to see whether the uterus is <enlarged> when pregnancy is suspected .
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<Enlarging> the sample will allow for more reliable analyses at a school , neighbourhood or local level , or for groups of interest such as ethnic minorities or young people in particular occupations or courses of education .
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The Wise 's period saw a number of dramatic changes ; Days Mill was <enlarged> and updated , becoming one of the few in the Nailsworth area to boast the new power-looms .
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Any earlier wheel-pit on this site could however , either have been demolished and rebuilt , or <enlarged> to take the new wheel .
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