Earth Day Questions
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1a. Rainforests cover only a small part of the Earth but they are home to more than half the world's plants and animals. It is estimated that rainforests are being cut down at the rate of 100 trees per minute. At this rate, how many are cut down every 24 hours?
1b. Every week?
2. The average American uses 7 trees a year in paper, wood, and other products. If there are about 275 million Americans, how many trees are used in a year?
3. Each American throws away about 60 pounds of plastic packaging each year. At this rate, about how many years would it take one person to have thrown away a ton of plastic?
4. When you shower, you use 5 gallons of water every minute. Most people take 5 minute showers. How many gallons of water does a family of 4 use in a week (assuming they each take a daily shower)? How much do they use in a month?
5. A bath uses 50 gallons of water. How much water could a person save in a week taking a shower instead of a bath?
6. If each person took a 4 minute shower instead of a 5 minute shower, how much water could a single person save in a year?
7. A gallon of thrown away paint can seep into the Earth and pollute 250,000 gallons of drinking water. A spilled gallon of gasoline can pollute 750,000 gallons of water. What kind of damage would be done by just 3 gallons of paint and 2 gallons of gasoline?
8. Every time I give you a worksheet, I have to make 95 copies.  If each sheet is 8 inches by 11.5 inches, what area could one day's worksheets cover?
9. What do you commit to doing to help conserve and/or recycle?
How do you think Brown School can help to conserve and/or recycle?
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