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Crocker/Riverside Elementary School CUB Campaign Brick Reservation Form
Please fill out this form for each brick you are purchasing to support the C/R Campus Upgrade and Beautify campaign. The cost is $150 per brick. Please make payment to @Crocker-Riverside on Venmo or mail a check made out to "Crocker/Riverside PTO" to 800 8th Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95818
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Email *
Your full name *
Your email *
Your phone number *
What is your connection to Crocker/Riverside? *
What text would you like printed on the brick? (3 lines with 15 characters per line - PLEASE USE ALL CAPS) LINE 1: *
What text would you like printed on the brick? (3 lines with 15 characters per line - PLEASE USE ALL CAPS) LINE 2:
What text would you like printed on the brick? (3 lines with 15 characters per line - PLEASE USE ALL CAPS) LINE 3:
I made payment to: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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