Hangout On Air with Zachary Levi.
Thank you for your interest in the upcoming Entertainment Weekly Google+ Hangout with Zachary Levi. The Hangout will go live at 2:30PM ET on Friday, November 8. Please be sure that the computer and network that you are using for this test are the same that you will be using for the live Hangout. Additionally, we require that you are connected to your network via an ethernet cable (not wifi).
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Can you be ready to join the Hangout "Green Room" 45 minutes in advance of the event (1:45PM ET)? The Hangout goes live at 2:30PM ET on Friday, November 8. *
We will need you to be ready to join our video chat at most 45 minutes in advance to make sure you're set up. You may not need to be in front of the screen the whole time, we just want to make sure your connection is good and brief you on the Hangout process.
Questions for Zachary Levi
What questions would you like to ask Zachary Levi during the Hangout On Air? *
Personal Contact Information
The information submitted in this section helps us to contact you quickly with information and updates regarding your Hangout.
Full Name *
Age *
City and State/Province
Mobile Phone Number *
Email Address Linked to Your Google+ Account *
(If you don't yet have a Google+ account, fill out this field after completing the "Internet and Google+ Hangout Set Up" section below.)
Computer and Internet Service Provider
The information submitted in this section helps us to troubleshoot technical issues in the event of a problematic internet connection, or poor video and audio quality.
Operating system of your computer
Example: OS X Lion, Windows 7.
What type of webcam are you using?
Example: Built-In, LogiTech C910
What type of microphone are you using?
Example: Built-In, Samsung Meteor Mic
Do you have earbuds or earphones? *
You must have them for the Hangout
Internet and Google+ Hangout Set Up
Please follow the steps below to prepare your computer for the best possible Google+ Hangout experience.
Can you connect your computer to your network via ethernet cable? *
You must connect via ethernet cable for this Hangout
Please Install Google Chrome *
To provide the most stable platform for your Hangout, we require that you install and use Google Chrome. Please follow this link to install Google Chrome:
Please create a Google+ Account *
In order to take part in a Hangout you must have a Google+ account. If you don't already have an account, please follow this link to create one:
What is your Google+ Profile URL? *
Please copy and paste the URL from your Google+ Profile page. Please follow this link for a video to help you find your Google+ Profile URL:
Please Install the Google+ Hangout plugin *
In order to participate in a Hangout you must install the Google Voice and Video plug-in by initiating a Google+ Hangout. Please follow this link for a video to help you install the plug in:
Speed Test
Please go to and press "BEGIN TEST" to conduct a speed test on your system. When the speed test is completed press "SHARE THIS RESULT' followed by "COPY". Paste the results in the field below by pressing "ctrl+v" on a PC, or "cmd+v" on a mac.
Paste speed test result below *
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