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Apply here for Cate Rowan's Magical Minions — Beta Reader, Review, & Street Teams!
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Your name: *
Your email address (please check it because typos happen :-( ): *
Which team(s) would you like to join? *
Have you been a team member for another author? If so, mention the type of team (beta, review, street, etc.), and any particular likes/dislikes. *
Briefly, let Cate know why you'd be an asset to her team(s) and should be chosen. (No need to write a tome or worry about making your answer perfect! A few sentences will be fine.) *
If you're chosen for a team that involves reading Cate Rowan's creative work, do you hereby acknowledge that this creative work is copyrighted under U.S. law and agree not to share it, sell it, or upload it anywhere? *
Great! Anything else you'd like Cate to know?
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