Tent City 3 at University of Washington
The Tent City Collective, in partnership with ASUW, is gauging opinions on a potential hosting of Tent City 3.

Tent City 3 (TC3) is a city-sanctioned tent encampment that has nomadically resided (moving approximately every 90 days) in King County since 2000. Seattle University hosted TC3 in 2005; and Seattle Pacific University hosted TC3 twice, in 2012 and again through winter 2014-2015.

Tent cities are under 24-hour surveillance by the sites' own residents, and provide covered shelter for individuals and families. They provide a community-run location to keep belongings and to securely sleep, allowing residents to focus on other tasks: going to appointments, looking for work, and planning for the future.

Tent City Collective is a team of University of Washington (UW) students, alumni, TC3 residents, and community members working to bring TC3 to UW's campus.​
Thank you for participating in our survey!
Were you familiar with Tent City 3 prior to taking this survey?
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Prior to taking this survey, had you heard of or seen tent city encampments?
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Do you think that hosting Tent City 3 would impact UW negatively?
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Have you or has anyone close to you experienced homelessness?
Do you think that hosting Tent City 3 would impact UW positively?
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Do you volunteer with a group that serves people experiencing homelessness?
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If you answered "yes," which organization?
Tent City 3 will bring more crime to the neighborhood
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
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Tent City 3 residents pose a danger to people on campus
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
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People on campus pose a danger to Tent City 3 residents.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
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Hosting Tent City 3 is consistent with UW's ideals/mission statement
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
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UW should host Tent City 3
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
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If Tent City 3 were to come to campus, how involved would you be?
Involvement might mean visiting the encampment, taking an affiliated  seminar or course, or organizing and/or attending an event.
Not involved at all
Very involved
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Which group best describes you (select all that apply)?
Where do you currently live?
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If you are a student, what is your major or program?
If you are faculty, staff, or an administrator, with which school/department are you affiliated?
Do you have any other comments?
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