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Personal Questionnaire: Hinduism and the Environment
Hello! I am Molly Sullivan, a junior at Archbishop Spalding High School in Severn, Maryland. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form for my research-based essay on Hinduism. My specific topic that relates to the questions you will soon answer is how your role as a Hindu affects how you treat and care for the environment. You will also encounter some questions on climate change. Please answer honestly, and feel free to share this with your friends and families! Once again, thank you very much!
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What is your gender? *
What age range do you fall under? *
How long have you been a practicing Hindu? *
How do you live out your faith in your daily life? *
What are your thoughts on the current state of the environment? *
Do you view climate change as a threat? Why or why not?
How does your religion affect the way you approach environmental issues? *
As a Hindu, are you called to care for the environment? If you are able to, please reference specific teachings or scripture. 
Can you think of anything your community or Hindu communities worldwide are doing to aid the threat of climate change? *
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