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Abstract – it is the independent source of information.
The summary must describe the main purpose of the study, explain, without the methodological details, how the study was conducted. It must summarize the most important results and their significance.
The abstract should not include: citations, abbreviations (if possible).
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Email *
Abstract in English
Name, Surname *
Academic degree
Academic title
Affiliation *
Country, City *
City *
Title of the report *
Introduction *
Introduction - it is the justification for the issue of the topic.
Relevance to issues *
Purpose *
Methods *
The methods used in the study should be mentioned. It is necessary to explain how each method was used.
Results *
Conclusions *
Keywords *
Keywords (5-7) should present the main content of the article: terms specified in the text and terms defining the thematic framework.
Abstract in the language of the report
Name, Surname
Academic degree - in the language of the report
Academic title - in the language of the report
Post - in the language of the report
Country, City
Title of the report
Introduction - it is the justification for the issue of the topic.
Relevance to issues
The methods used in the study should be mentioned. It is necessary to explain how each method was used.
Keywords (5-7) should present the main content of the article: terms specified in the text and terms defining the thematic framework.
Website content and administration - Sofiia Sokolova, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
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