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Seeking Sponsorship or Partnership? Tell us more!
1. Fill out the whole form making sure that you:
     - include all the information you can
     - are as specific as you can be!

2. Email us at to let us know that you're interested in sponsorship, partnership or collaboration - and that you've filled the form in - and we'll check it out and get back to you!


World Anvil gets a LOT of requests for sponsorships, partnerships, collaborations and.... everything else! We're a team of two (we - that is, Dimitris and Janet - run it out of our house!) and in order to understand and respond to your requests, we need information from you! Help us understand who you are by providing us with the details below. This helps us get a picture of your size and influence level, and how we might be able to work together!

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Email *
What is your name? *
What is your World Anvil username?
Are you a World Anvil guild member? If so, what level?
What is the name of your business, company, show or group?
Website Url for your business or enterprise?
How can we contact you?
Please include an email address!
Pitch yourself! Who are you guys & what do you do?
One paragraph only please!
Who is your target audience? What age, gender etc and what interests?
One paragraph only please!
TikTok URL
TikTok Number of Followers
Twitter URL
Twitter Number of followers
Facebook URL
Facebook Page Number of likes
Instagram URL
Instagram Number of Followers
Twitch URL?
Twitch Average Concurrent Viewers whilst live?
Twitch Number of Followers?
Twitch Number of Subscribers?
Youtube Channel URL?
Youtube Number of Subscribers?
Youtube Average views on your last 3 videos?
If you're a podcast or Youtube channel, how many downloads or views (on average) does each of your episodes get?
Patreon URL?
Number of Patreon supporters?
Monthly Patreon Revenue (Optional! This helps us understand how invested your superfans are)
Blog URL
Blog Page views per month
Please list any other important platforms (podcasts etc.) or social media, and your stats there.
How can you help World Anvil?
How do you think you can us? And why do you think you're a good fit? Please be as specific as possible.
How can World Anvil help you?
What are you looking for from us?  Please be as specific as possible: for example, are you looking for a sponsored membership, access to our affiliate programme, a financial sponsorship, promotional opportunities for your own products and services, or something else?
Anything else you want to add?
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