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 Women in IFAA
Women in International Field Archery ~We want to hear from you , we want to increase more females of all ages into our beautiful sport and we want you to be part of the journey 
Please take some time to complete the survey so we together can build on our future as women but also as IFAA
Email *
Which association do you shoot with ?

What is your bow style? *
How did you start in Field Archery  *
Have you attained any archery qualifications or have subject matter expertise within archery?


If recording / tutorials were available via the IFAA website, what topics would you like covered ? This can be technical but also female only related. 

Do you travel overseas  for competitions , if so which ones ? *
Would you attend Women in IFAA events at competitions? *

Do you have subject expertise and qualifications that will benefit female archers which you are willing to share, that is not for personal business gain?

Please give contact details if you wish to partake in developing this work.


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