MarketingSherpa Media Center Interview Application
Thanks for your interest in being interviewed in the MarketingSherpa Media Center at IRCE 2016! Please provide some information to tell us a little about yourself and what you would like to be interviewed about. We will be in touch to inform you whether or not your application has been accepted. If you should have any questions please email Daniel Burstein at
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Please tell us who is applying: *
What is your full name? *
What is your email address? *
What is the name of your company? *
What is your title? *
What is your Twitter handle?
What is a phone number we can use to reach you while at the event? *
Agencies and Service Providers: Has your company collected original data or commissioned a survey that you could share with our audience of marketers?
Agencies and Service Providers: If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide a link to the report and data file containing the results that you would like to share or email it to
What are some key lessons you learned that other marketers or business leaders can learn from? *
As always, we want you to shine in our interviews.  Please tell us what you'd like to be interviewed about.  (Industry topics, trends, company case study, advice, etc.)
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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