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Compassion Coaching for Leaders Application
Select school districts in North America are invited to assemble a team of educators and leaders within your district who want to come together to support the well-being of themselves and the systems in schools through a lens of mindfulness and compassion.

Consider this opportunity to bring your most passionate leaders together throughout the school year to build their own skills of self-compassion and ripple the learning throughout the staff and students in your district. Compassion Coaching for Leaders supports education leaders from the inside out, starting with self-compassion as the firm foundation from which to lead, moving to compassion for others in day-to-day leadership, and then acknowledging the wider circle of compassion encompassing common humanity, the greater good, and cultural values that set the compass for your organization. In other words – moving from self to school to system.

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Email *
Full name *
 What is your role in the education system, or as a leader? *
Which School District do you work in? *
Street Address *
City, Province or State *
Postal/ZIP code *
Phone number *
How do you hear about the CCL program or get connected to my work? *
What experience does your district already have with work around mindfulness, compassion or support for well-being for leaders?
What are some of the challenges in bringing this work to your district?
What are some of the obstacles you see on your team, what problem are you trying to solve?
What do you hope for your team to learn throughout this program?
Would you like to follow up with a call with Lisa to learn more? *
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