History DNA Survey - Mary Leakey
In this form you'll be rating Mary Leakey on a scale of one to ten based on your understanding of his character, intellect and ability. Use what you know about him to fill in each section. If you are uncertain, put a five or six as an average. Please be careful about giving out extremely high scores and extremely low scores. Most of the people in the History DNA deck are very intelligent and capable people, so you're rating this person as they compare to the other people in the deck. The person you're rating might be very intelligent, but ask yourself how intelligent they are compared to Aristotle or Einstein?
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First Name *
Please enter your first name.
Last Name *
Please enter your last name.
Perseverance *
Rate this person's level of perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to keep doing something, even when it gets really hard. It means not giving up.  Samuel Johnson, who actually wrote an entire dictionary by himself (it took him nine years), is the kind of person who might score a ten.
Courage. *
Rate this person's courage on a scale of 1 to 10. Courage means being willing to do something even if you're afraid. Harriet Tubman, who escaped from slavery herself, and then went back again and again to help others to freedom, is the kind of person who would get a ten for courage
Compassion *
Rate this person's level of compassion on a scale of 1 to 10. Compassion means having sympathy for people who are in need. It means being concerned with the well-being of others. Jonas Salk, who developed the polio vaccine would get a ten. He worked for years to develop a vaccine so that a terrible disease could be eradicated. He did it for the well-being of humanity rather than for personal profit.
Intelligence *
Rate this person's intelligence on a scale of 1 to 10. Keep in mind that Einstein, Aristotle and Leonardo daVinci are in the History DNA card deck too.
Influence *
Rate this person's influence on a scale of 1 to 10. Influence means how big of an impact this person has had on other people's lives. This is a little tricky, because pretty much everybody in the History DNA deck is influential, otherwise they wouldn't be included at all. So try to distinguish between those who were just influential in one field, area, or time period and those who have had a major effect on the way that a wide range of people have lived or seen the world.
Imagination *
Rate this person's imagination on a scale of 1 to 10. A long time ago when History DNA was brand new, there were twelve character trait categories. When I narrowed them down to six, I cut "creativity" out of the list, because it tended to overlap with imagination. Nevertheless, when I rate these historical figures for imagination, I sort of keep creativity in mind. If a person doesn't strike me as especially imaginative, but they were very creative, I'll probably give them a slightly higher score than I would for their imagination alone. Use your own judgment though.
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