70 Express Model United Nations #70ExpressMUN
“We the peoples of the United Nations…” have worked together striving for development and better life for our future generations for already 70 years. And this year, on the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations and 70th Anniversary of these global partnerships and international bonds, we would like to celebrate our achievements. And this is how we, the United Nations in Belarus, are going to do this: we are going on a journey. A journey around Belarus. Together.

On 23 October our UN70 Belarus Express for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will depart from Minsk Train Station. On board shall we gather Government officials and UN staff along with representatives of UN member states and a wide range of stakeholders including civil society, private sector partners, youth, artists and representatives of vulnerable groups.

On the route from Hrodna to Brest (25th October) the Model United Nations will be held on board of the train. The route is planning to take place on 24-26th October and the participation will be fully covered by the UN Representation in Belarus.

Organ for simulation: Economic and Social Council (modified)
During the session you will be given a chance to write the Action Plan for the Implementation of SDGs in Belarus.

Read more about SDGs here: http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/

We seek for 17 active, engaged and experienced participants to take part in this big event devoted to the UN's 70th Anniversary.

Application deadline: 10 October, 2015.

Don't miss your chance to become a part of the greatest event of the year!

Don't hesitate to apply if you are:

- a student of higher education establishment in Belarus;
- fluent in English;
- interested in international affairs;
- able to attend the event on 24-26th October and to participate in the preparation session (date to be approved).
and if you:
- have an insight into the UN functioning;
- have previous Model UN experience.

Good luck!
And hop on the train with us!

For all queries:
Lizaveta Zhuk,
e-mail: lizaveta.zhuk@one.un.org 

70 Express Model United Nations (#70ExpressMUN) is organized with kind support of the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University and the International Non-governmental Association "Evolutio."
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Tick all the boxes below in order to apply for the #70Express Model United Nations *
All the expenses related to the transport, meals and accommodation will be covered by the UN Representation in the Republic of Belarus.
Full name (Ivan Ivanov) *
Please, write your full name as it appears on your Passport
Date of birth *
E-mail *
Full address *
University *
Faculty and Department *
Academic Year *
List the Model United Nations you participted in. *
Choose the agency or country you want to represent during the simulation of the Economic and Social Council Session in modified format
Choose up to 5 options
Essay: Sustainable Development Goals and Youth Involvement *
Minimum 250 words
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