Ongoing Cystic Fibrosis Distribution Around NYC
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Greater New York Chapter needs your help distributing CF Cycle For Life brochures to bike shops around New York City area (They will provide a Metrocard.)  The CF Cycle For Life program is the Foundation’s premier cycling event where hundreds of men and women come together to participate and raise money to find a cure for cystic fibrosis.

Based on your preference, there are a cluster of bike shops around Elmhurst/Jackson Heights, another by Queens Blvd, and many around Manhattan.  They recommend groups of two distribute to a specific area for maximum efficiency.  Each bike shop will get a cardboard brochure holder, brochures, and a poster.  Once we know how many are volunteering they can provide a plan, map, materials, metrocards, etc.

Hours and the date will be determined with whatever preferences you choose.

If you have a preference to volunteer with someone, please give his/her name. Also, choose a borough and if you live in a specific neighborhood, please include that information.
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What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your email address? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your homeroom? *
Which borough would you like to volunteer in? *
Is there a specific neighborhood that you are familiar with in Queens that you would feel more comfortable walking around in?
Which day of the weekend would you like to volunteer? *
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