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Love is Bald Volunteer & Sponsorship Form
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What events have you been to for Love is Bald? (click all that apply)
Are you interested in Volunteering for Love is Bald
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What kinds of ways would you like to help Volunteer? (Click all that Apply)
What Events would you be interested in Volunteering for (Click all that Apply)
Are you able to Donate Raffle Items for our events?
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Do you have a business (or know of a business) that would like to be a Sponsor for any of our events?
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If you answered yes to Raffles or Sponsorship Opportunities, please list the contact information the business. 
Are there any Cancer Organizations that are near and dear to your heart that you would like us to look into partnering with?
Lastly, what is your favorite thing about Love is Bald?
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