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KAREfarm Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in serving at KAREfarm, located on White Tail RIdge Farm in Brooksville, KY.  Our Mission:  To provide a healing space in nature for those experiencing loss.  Your contribution makes a difference in other people's lives and we look forward to getting to know you more. There are a few different ways to get involved:
1. Participate in a Volunteer Workday!
- Join one of these workdays to help the Core Team clean up the trails, beautify the lakeside area, and mow the green space. Please indicate your interest with this form.
2. Plan your own Volunteer Weekend
- Recruit and organize a work team for farm maintenance and future expansion activities. Please email karefarmgivesback@gmail to coordinate a weekend with your group.
3. Join the KAREfarm Retreat Support Team
- This team helps specifically prep for Retreats. Different areas of focus include food, guest hospitality, glamp setup, and overall teardown. Please indicate your interest with this form.
4. Open House Crew
- Be a volunteer at our Open House event on October 1st. Different roles include working the registration table, serving dinner, working the jewelry booth, handling KAREfarm merchandise, and assisting with property management.
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