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FASoS Intranet Survey
Hi all! This survey is created by the Student Representatives FASoS, to know more about the accessibility and usage of the intranet and other university platforms. Many thanks for filling it in!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to us via:

Instagram: @studentrep
Facebook: studentrepfasos

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What is your study programBachelor Digital Societyme? *
What study year are you in? *
Where do you search for practical study information? *
Do you know what the Intranet is? *
Have you ever used the Intranet? *
If yes, what were you looking for?
If yes, did you manage to find what you were looking for?
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Which of these documents did you know you can find on the Intranet? *
How did you find out about the Intranet? *
Do you think the university should provide more information about the Intranet? *
How would you prefer to learn about the Intranet? *
What other information would you like/ expect to find on the Intranet?
Is there any other university platform for which students should receive more guidance?
Do you have anything else you would like to share with us?
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