Vocabulary Quiz 1
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1. Which word means "to reach or come to?"
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2. Which word means "something that happens by surprise?"
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3. Which word means "flag or sign on cloth?"
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4. Which word means "to join together?"
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5. Which word means "act of being focused?"
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6. Which word means "to come to rest?"
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7. Which word means "to gather together?"
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8. Which word means "to hold up?"
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9. Which word means "to bite off small bits?"
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10. Which word means "small group of houses away from cities?"
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11. Complete the sentence: Yousef didn’t mean to bump into Abdullah. It was by _______________________.
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12. Complete the sentence: When do you think the plane will _______________________ ?
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13. Complete the sentence: The teacher needs us to pay _______________________ during lessons.
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14. Complete the sentence: The _______________________ waved in the breeze on National Day.
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15. Complete the sentence: Sara likes to _______________________ seashells from the beach.
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16. Complete the sentence: Hamad drew a line to _______________________ the dots on the picture.
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17. Complete the sentence: The mouse likes to _______________________ on the cheese.
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18. Complete the sentence: My grandmother uses a cane to _______________________ her.
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19. Complete the sentence: The students _______________________ down at the beginning of class.
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20. Complete the sentence: The tents in the desert looked like a _______________________.
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