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Women Experts Available for Speaking Opportunities
Background and Why?

We are extremely disturbed that despite the Beijing Conference in 1995 where several governments were party to an undertaking that they would increase representation of women in all levels of politics as well as increase efforts to stop all forms of discrimination against women, we still find that 20 years later in 2015, we have many “manels”

We saw COP21 poorly represented by women and we continue to see it at every level be it global, national or regional. Often the response is, we don’t have women at a senior level. But that is an excuse and if we don’t make a start at some point, 20 years from now we will still have all “manels”.

What is a Manel?

A Panel of speakers where there are only men with no female representation.

A rather hilarious but disturbing take on this is: The memes highlight chronic & missing female representation in panels even on topics about women


So here is our effort to make a public list of all women who are available to speak at conferences. Please nominate with complete details. This is a crowdsourced effort and is possible only with you support.

Here is how YOU can help-

1. Nominate yourself by providing complete details
2. Know someone who is available, please nominate them but before that check with them for availability and to get them to commit
3. Spread the message by sharing on Social Media and ensuring this reaches every woman deserving and capable to speak and help change the balance in "Manels"
4. If you have any feedback on the form and/or would like to help, please email:
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