Solve for X IMCC Interest Form

Would you like to be a part of the Solve for X Variety Show at IMCC? We'd love to hear from you!

About us:

Each Solve for X show features acts from puppeteers, dancers, writers, stand up comedians, burlesque troupes and other professional performers who use science as a prompt for their performances.

Here's a youtube playlist of our show for the Atlanta Science Festival:

We also feature scientists using storytelling and other performance styles to communicate science topics they are passionate about!

We'll be selecting a handful of IMCC attendees to workshop a performance with our team and perform on stage at IMCC!

Please use this form to send us your pitches. If you have an artistic passion, we want to hear about it! Not a virtuoso french horn player in your free time? No worries! Most of our scientist participants join the show as storytellers. We'll help you develop an incredible story.
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Name *
Email Address *
Are you attending IMCC4 or Oceans Online? *
Tell us a little about yourself
What type of performance are you interested in doing?
Give us a more detailed pitch of what you'd like to do (>300 words please)!
Tell us about your performing experience (it's okay if you don't have any)!
Include any relevant links or samples here:
Do you understand that if selected, you will have to workshop your piece (a few emails and phone calls, starting 2-3 weeks leading up to IMCC) with Solve for X? *
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