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Monika Nataraj Teacher Trainings - Course Application
Application for Admission

Please complete this application fully. Return it along with a recent photo (max 100kb) to Simultaneously, a TTC deposit of US$300 must be paid by PayPal to: The deposit must accompany your application in order for the approvals process to begin.

 An applicant will be contacted within one week of application submission with notification that we have received your application and deposit successfully. Students will be notified of acceptance to the program within two weeks of receipt of their application.

Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant for completion and resubmission. Incomplete refers to: omitted signature representation or verification of having read the Criteria for Certification, Terms of Agreement, or Payment and Refund pages, missing answers, missing photo, missing deposit, etc.

Please note that this is a course for women only.
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Email *
Which course are you applying for?
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How did you hear about this course? *
First Name
Family Name
State / Province
Zip Code
Phone (Mobile)
Whatsapp #
Birth Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Alternate Email (If Any)
Emergency Contact (Full Name and Phone Number)
Current Occupation
Education / Vocational Skills
Languages Spoken
Describe any dance / yoga / movement modality which you have practiced and your current level:
Briefly describe your personal spiritual / sacred practices if you have any, including  yoga, dance, meditation, shamanic work, energy medicine, breathwork, etc.:
Have you participated in any Mystical Dance®, Shakti Spirit®, Tantra, Yoga or other workshops or pilgrimages with Monika? If yes, give location and dates.
Do you have any experience holding women's groups or something similar to the training you are applying for?
If you have not studied with Monika Nataraj, what makes you feel confident that Mystical Dance® or Shakti Spirit® is something you wish to teach?
Have you attended or do you run any related teacher training programs?
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If so, please add details (course name, location, dates):
Please share specifically how you learned about this course:
Health Information: The following will be used by our staff to better assist you during your training. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, please briefly substantiate your responses below. Your answers will be kept in strict confidence within course administration only, with a view to guiding your individual program.
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Are you currently taking medication for any physical or psychological condition?
Do you have any chronic physical limitations or disabilities?
Do you have a history of psychological or emotional illnesses or issues?
Do you have a communicable disease?
Have you had a serious illness or major surgery within the last five years?
Are you currently pregnant or trying to become pregnant?
If there is anything else about your physical or psychological health which you feel might affect your course participation, please explain here:
Have you in the last 12 months used tobacco, alcohol, recreational drugs, or illicit substances?
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Do you currently continue to use any of these substances? If yes, please list substance and frequency of use:
In-Depth: This section of the application is intended to give us a better understanding of you as a person. We encourage you to include any transformational experiences or turning points in your life that have brought you to your current personal relationship with movement, meditation, women’s development, ritual and your aspiration to become a teacher. Please give short answers (maximum 200 words each) to the following questions: What attracts you to self-development, transformational spaces and working with women?
What are the greatest strengths that you would bring to being a Mystical Dance® or Shakti Spirit® teacher? What are the areas you will target for your self-development in order to be most effective in this role?
Please let us know anything else that you feel is important to include in this application process.
Full Disclosure: In order to make informed decisions, our administrative team must be able to rely on the truthfulness of information provided by applicants. The information an applicant provides on this form is treated as confidential and will only be seen by those teachers and staff involved with this teacher training course. Before submitting this application, it is required that you read the following documents. By checking the boxes below, you indicate that you have carefully read and accepted the terms set forth in each document:
Upon arrival you will be asked to sign these documents for our records. It is recommended that you keep a copy for your own records. “By checking the signature box and typing my full name below, I affirm that the information provided on this application form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge." False, incomplete, or misleading information is grounds for rejection of this application, expulsion from the program, or revocation of certification after completion of the program.
Signed: Please print full name (first name / family name)
Today's date (DD/MM/YYYY)
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