Request edit access

Adoptions may be made by schools, non-profit organizations, or music educators. Please read the conditions of adoption below. Email for questions and additional information.

For the donor

The Piano Adoption Program, provided by The Music Guild, exclusively serves the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area. We can recommend a reasonably priced local professional piano mover or technician. The moving cost qualifies for a tax deduction as part of the instrument donation. However, The Music Guild does not provide any appraisal services to establish the value of the donated instrument for tax donation purposes.

With your permission, we may share your email with interested parties who will contact you to arrange a viewing of the piano prior to adoption. The Music Guild is unable to incur any fees associated with storage, transportation, appraisals, or tuning. Please note that The Music Guild does not take possession of the piano/instrument,  and selected moving dates do not guarantee pickup.

For the adopting party

Completion of this form does not guarantee receipt or adoption of the instrument. However, the adoption of any instrument implies acknowledgment and agreement to the terms and conditions outlined in this advisory.

The recipient acknowledges that The Music Guild's Piano Adoption Program lacks personal knowledge of the condition of any instrument submitted, beyond the donor's description. The adoption of any instrument is done in the instrument’s present 'as-is' condition without warranty. (Note: All pianos require tuning after being moved. If requested, the contact information for a reasonably priced and reliable piano tuner will be provided).

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Name of company, organization, individual educator, or student

Address (including city, state, zip code)
Email address
Phone number
Best time to contact
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Brief description of your organization or personal need for a instrument/piano


Corporate tax ID number (if applicable)

Your organization's website (if applicable)

If applicable, choose size of piano you seek to adopt

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Specify if you would like to adopt a different instrument

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