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WISD Comms Support Request Form
Please fill out the following information and a member of our WISD Communications team will respond within three business days. All requests are scheduled on a first-come basis within the availability of staff schedules.Please submit any request three weeks in advance. All districtwide events will take priority!
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Name: *
Department: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
ex. (555) 555-5555
Type of Service Requested: *
Name of Event:  *
Event Location: *
Due Date: *
Event Description: *
Please provide a detailed description of the coverage needed for the event.
Date of the Event: *
Time of the Event: *
Will your event require coverage from media outlets? *
Will your event require a web story published on Waco ISD's 'News From Around the District'? *
Will your event require WISD-TV Broadcast(15 minutes or more: presentation - band, choir, ceremony, etc.)? *
Additional Information regarding the request: *
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