SVYCA Climate Literacy Video Feedback
Thank you for watching our video! 

Please fill out this short survey for the chance to win a $25 gift card, available for high school students attending public schools in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.  

Results will be shared with school districts to improve climate literacy education. 

See https://www.svyouthclimateaction.org/ for more information.
メール *
Name *
School  *
Grade *
City of Residence *
Zip Code *
County  *
Do you believe human-induced global climate change is real? *
Do you learn about climate change in school?
How worried are you about climate change?
Not At All
Very Worried
Does your school have any of the following?: 

What topics would you like to learn more about? Check all that apply: 
If you'd like to be added to our mailing list to receive information about future events and resources, please list your name and email.

Thank You!
Thanks for filling out this survey! 

We'll contact any gift card recipients via email, and feel free to contact svyouthclimate@gmail.com for any questions.

See https://www.svyouthclimateaction.org/ for more information, and more ways to get involved!
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