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Schedule Free Debt to Wealth Analysis Appointment ($250 value)
Thank you for your interest in the award-winning Debt Shredder program. Congratulations on your decision to convert debt to wealth!  You are on the road to receiving your personalized savings and wealth report. 

First please schedule a 15 - 20 minutes phone or zoom call to begin saving you hundreds of thousands of dollars and cutting your total repayment time by 1/2 to 1/3.  Please note we will at no time require any personal financial information in the form of social security numbers, financial or bank account numbers.
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Email *
First & Last Name
Phone number with area code
What days of the week and time slots are you available?
Please select all that apply
Morning 8am - 11am EST
Afternoon 12pm - 5pm EST
Evening 6pm - 9pm EST
Are you current on your payments? (Yes means you are not late or past due)
What approach are your currently taking to pay down your debt(s)? 
What type of debts do you have? Check all that apply. 
Approximately, what is the total sum of all your debts combined? 
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most motivated, how motivated are you to improve your financial position? 
not at all motivated
highly motivated
Clear selection
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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