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Lake Central School Corporation Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (LCSC SEPAC) Initial Survey
For a child to have a successful fulfilling education, it is important to have a strong relationship between the parents and the schools.   This is especially true for children receiving special education services.  With that in mind, the Lake Central administration would like to collaborate with us parents whose children receive special education services to provide the best suited education services for our children as well as building a partnership  with the families.   

The mission of the LCSC SEPAC is to facilitate collaboration and communication between students, parents, staff, the administration, and the community in order to promote inclusion, understanding of, respect for, and support of all children with special needs in our community.

SEPAC is a place for parents to come together to discuss topics such as parent’s rights and responsibilities, inclusion, services and curriculum, as well as ways that families and the district can better partner to improve services for students with disabilities.

The LCSC SEPAC, with input from all, will work to address systemic issues throughout the school corporation for the betterment of all of our students. We are not advocates for any one particular student, but work together with the school to address challenges and concerns that are wide-reaching and affecting all of our students.

We are conducting a survey for the school administration and would appreciate your input. All survey results will be anonymous.

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Please indicate the school and grade of your child(ren) receiving special education services from the Lake Central School Corporation (preschool - TAP):
What primary and secondary eligibility categories are your child(ren) categorized under? (These will be listed as primary and secondary on the IEP) 
What areas of concern do you feel are most in need of being addressed systemically throughout the corporation? (Check all that apply)
Of those you checked above, which three do you feel are the most important?
Regarding the special education services your child(ren) has/have received thus far, please comment what has worked well. 
Some people go above and beyond for our special needs students. Is there anyone you'd like to recognize who has played a significant role in your child's progress?
Get Involved: In order to keep this survey anonymous so that you feel free to provide feedback, please email if you have any questions or are interested in information regarding SEPAC meetings, initiatives, updates, or to serve as a representative for your school.

We need to ensure diversity of all levels of service, disability categories, and grades/ages so please share this survey will others you know within the Lake Central School Corporation district receiving IEP or 504 services. Thank you.
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