International Unity of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Faith Followers Membership Form
IUEOTCFF (Save Waldba) Membership Form
*ሊሞሉት የሚገባ
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First Name (የመጀመሪያ ስም) *
Middle Initial (የአባት ስም)
Last Name (የአያት ስም) *
Christening Name (የክርስትና ስምዎ)
Sex (ፆታ) *
Address (አድራሻ) *
City, State, & Zip code (ከተማ፣ እስቴት፣ ዚፕ ኮድ) *
Email Address (ኢ ሜል አድራሻ) *
Parish Name & Address (አጥቢያ ቤ/ክ)
የአጥቢያዎት ስምና አድራሻ
Home Number (ስልክ ቁጥር)
Mobile Number (ስልክ ቁጥር) *
Work Number (ስልክ ቁጥር)
How do you want us contact you? (በየትኛው መንገድ እናግኞት?) *
Age group (የእድሜዎት መጠን) *
How much membership fee would you like to pay? (በፈቃድዎ ምን ያህል በወር ሊከፍሉ ይችላሉ) *
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