All nominations will be shortlisted by the Awards committee. The successful nominees will be inviting to present a max 15-minute multimedia presentation (not including questions) in front of their peers and guests on their research of direct benefit to classroom teaching.

The presentation will be judged by a panel on the criteria
(1) content and scientific quality
(2) clarity
(3) presentation skill

Judging criteria for Research Presentations: https://tinyurl.com/judgescritera
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Name of Nominee *
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Email address of Nominee
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Institution *
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Mailing Address *
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Phone Number *
Your answer
Title of Research Presentation *
Your answer
Research Presentation Abstract (Max 500 Words) *
Your answer
I am able to bring my own device to the Presentation Evening *
I require wifi/internet access at the Presentation Evening *
I require additional technical support (please specify)
Your answer
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