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2025 C-SPAN StudentCam Competition - Parent/Guardian Release Form
I am the parent or legal guardian of the below-named student entrant who has entered the 2025 C-SPAN StudentCam contest (the “Entrant”). 

As the parent or legal guardian of the Entrant, who as of the date of his or her contest entry was seventeen years old or younger, I agree as follows:
  • The Entrant’s video entry becomes the current and future shared property of National Cable Satellite Corporation, d/b/a C-SPAN. If the Entrant wins a prize in the competition, you grant C-SPAN and its cable/satellite partners permission to broadcast his or her documentary on-air and online, and to use their name and likeness for purposes related to publicly recognizing their award in the StudentCam competition, such as in press releases and award ceremonies following the announcement of the winning entries.

  • By submitting an entry, the Entrant represents that his or her entry constitutes an original work of creativity that does not violate the property rights of any other person.

  • Prize recipients are determined by judges selected by C-SPAN and the judges' decisions are final.
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Name of Entrant (your child or ward's name) *
Parent or Guardian's Name (your name constitutes your signature) *
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