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KS2 Movie Night: Matilda
* Friday 19th April 5 - 7.15pm in Grayswood School Hall.
* £4 to include film and popcorn. No drinks will be provided so please make sure your child has their water bottle.
* Children may wear their own clothes/pyjamas and bring a blanket and/or pillow.
* Payment by bank transfer only (details below). Places are only secure once payment has been received so please don't delay! PLEASE NOTE: booking will close on Wednesday 17th April. You will NOT be able to book/pay on the day!
* On the day, please bring your children down to the hall at 5pm, where they will be signed in. We kindly request that children don't bring their own food (unless they have an allergy and cannot have popcorn).
* Pick up will be at 7.15pm. Please come to the hall door and wait for your children. FROGS helpers will ensure they are safely returned to you and signed out.

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Matilda the Musical is rated PG. Please find the plot synopsis here: 
1. Child's name / children's names: *
2. Child's class / children's classes: *
3. Parent/carer's first name and surname and contact number in case of emergency: *
4. Children will be offered popcorn. Please confirm your child(ren) may eat this. *
5. Does your child / do your children have any allergies or dietary requirements we should be aware of? If yes, please complete question 6. *
6. Further details of allergies or dietary requirements:
7. Each ticket costs £4. Total amount you will pay: *
Payment info: please pay by bank transfer. Payee: Friends of Grayswood School / Sort code: 30 80 55 / Account: 80672468. Please put "Movie/your surname" as the reference.
8. We can only run this event with the help of parent volunteers. Would you be willing to help? *
Many thanks for booking and we hope your children enjoy the film! :-)
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