Type your name below to acknowledge that you and understand and agree: I fully understand that there are risks involved with interactions between humans and dogs, as well as between dogs and other dogs, which may result in property damage or bodily injury, including but not limited to, permanent disability, sickness or death to human or dog; and there may be other risks which I will assume not known to me or any Your Love Unleashed volunteer, nor readily foreseeable at this time. Sickness includes any illness not limited to Bordetella (kennel cough), canine influenza, bloat, or any other form of contagious disease. I fully accept and assume all risks and responsibility for all risks, including, without limitation, all losses, costs and damages, incurred as a result of my, a friend and/or family's, and/or my dog(s) participation in meeting, adopting, fostering, volunteering for or from Your Love Unleashed, including any veterinarian expenses. In the event of any litigation, I agree to pay the cost of all legal fees for all releases. I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and can read this statement and understand the English language. This agreement and release of liability will last in perpetuity. Please type your name to indicate your acceptance and understanding of this statement. *