The Sleeping Baobab Tree Competition
Fill in your name, school and email address. Then select the correct answer for each question by clicking the radio button beside the answer you think is correct. Click "Submit" to enter the competition.
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Name *
School *
Email Address *
Question 1 *
What is the capital of Zambia?
Question 2 *
True or false: Baobabs can grow up to 30m high and their trunks can be up to  47m around.
Question 3 *
True or false: Some people believe that if you pick a flower from a baobab tree  you will be eaten by a kangaroo.
Question 4 *
True or false: The author Paula Leyden was born in Zambia, where this book is set.
Question 5 *
Who is the current president of Zambia?
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