Registration Roosevelt Open 2014
Please fill in your information below. We currently have a team cap of 40 teams. You can still register after registration has filled up, but we will only be able to provide you with team spots if other teams drop out.

Please note that by registering, you are expressing your understanding of all your obligations with regard to attendance, fees and deadlines. You also agree to abide by these conditions and requirements. You understand that deviation from these conditions and requirements can result in exclusion from participation without the waving of the registration fee. For more information (regarding attendance, fees and deadlines) please contact
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What is the name of your debating institution? *
If you participate as a composite team, please provide the names of both institutions.
How many teams are you sending to the tournament? *
Please note that there is a team cap of 5 for domestic (Dutch) institutions. For international institutions there is no team cap.
How many adjudicators are you sending? *
Note that this tournament has an N-1 adjudication rule - institutions must send one judge for every team, with the exemption of the first team.
What is the full name of the contact person for this registration? *
We will use this name for contact purposes at a later instance. This person is responsible for further registration, fees and deadlines.
What is the e-mail address of the contact person for this registration?
We will use this e-mail address to contact you at a later instance.
What is your full name?
This can be the same name as the contact person's name. You are responsible for all (legal) obligations the contact person does not fulfill.
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