Mastery 4
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Part A (1-2). Look at the following cartoon and put a check by the two inferences that are most logically based on the information given.
Part B (3-4). Put a check by the two inferences that are most logically based on each of the passage below.
     Although most everyone knows that eating sensibly and exercising regularly are the keys to healthy weight loss, the American fad diet industry continues to receive millions of dollars from people looking for a faster, easier solution. Eating sensibly and exercising regularly involve both education and commitment, neither of which is easy. And results, though proven, may not come quickly. Many people are anxious to lose weight right away. In addition, they are not willing to do the work that healthy eating and regular exercise require. That is why the fad diet industry continues to succeed every year. People want to believe there is a quick and easy fix. But no such pill, powder, or program has ever been found to match the success rate of a healthy lifestyle.
Part C: In the space provided, choose the sentence that best expresses the implied main idea in the paragraph that follows.
     To make your clothes last longer, avoid using the dryer. Over time, the heat will fade colors and weaken fabrics. Instead, hang your clothing to dry inside the house in cold weather and outside (but away from direct sunlight, which can also fade colors) when it's warm. Also, don't use bleach more than absolutely necessary. Bleach contains strong chemicals that can weaken fibers. Never store knitted clothes on hangers - the clothing can stretch our of shape. Instead, keep them folded in a drawer. Finally, get rid of stains promptly - if you let them set, they are much harder, if not impossible, to remove.
The unstated main idea is:
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