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Bentonville Market August 11th 4-9
We are excited for our next market.

Booths are $25 for a 10x10

We will be outside at The Bend on the fabulous greenspace.  The event will be a night market from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The Bend is right next to the bike trails. They offer food onsite as well as beer. There is plenty of seating for customers and customers are free to enjoy their drink while shopping. We are excited to make this a great new spot. 

Bring a tent for shade along with any tables, chairs and display items you may need. Setup is 2 - 4
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What is the name of your business? *
I agree to help promote the show on my social media. It takes everyone to help spread the word and we need you to let you customers know where to find you.  *
Where can we find you on Instagram & Facebook? *
What is your email address? *
Name of business representative *
What type of items do you sell?  We need to make sure we are not having multiple makers with the same items. *
Have you participated in one of our previous shows?  *
I agree to pay the booth fee within 3 days of being accepted or my spot may be given up. We don't want to overload any category so get signed up early. You can pay by Venmo or check.  *
I understand that my fee is non-refundable  *
I understand that I need to be setup by 4:00 pm
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