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NBMG Customer Satisfaction Survey
8 responses
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Overall performance of the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
How well is the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology serving you?
No responses yet for this question.
NBMG Publications and Information Office
Quality of NBMG publications:
No responses yet for this question.
Usefulness of publications:
No responses yet for this question.
Number and variety of publications:
No responses yet for this question.
Quality of NBMG geologic maps:
No responses yet for this question.
Detail of NBMG geologic maps:
No responses yet for this question.
Current coverage of geologic maps:
No responses yet for this question.
Free publications on the web:
No responses yet for this question.
Cost of publications for sale:
No responses yet for this question.
Customer service for sales:
No responses yet for this question.
Ease of web sales:
No responses yet for this question.
Timeliness of receiving web, mail, and fax orders:
No responses yet for this question.
Service from Information Office:
No responses yet for this question.
Air photo coverage:
No responses yet for this question.
Content of mining district files:
No responses yet for this question.
Free mining-district, geothermal, and other information on the Web:
No responses yet for this question.
Hours of operation:
No responses yet for this question.
External Publications and Professional Service
External publications:
No responses yet for this question.
Professional service:
No responses yet for this question.
Outreach to the General Public, K-12 Teachers, and Students
Publications for the general public:
No responses yet for this question.
Earth Science Week field trips
No responses yet for this question.
Helpfulness in answering questions:
No responses yet for this question.
Suggestions to help us serve you better
Are there any publications (maps, bulletins, reports, special publications, databases) that you would like to see NBMG prepare?
No responses yet for this question.
Are there any areas you’d like to see geologically mapped?
No responses yet for this question.
Are there any publications by publishers other than NBMG and the USGS that you would like us to sell?
No responses yet for this question.
What are your preferences for media for NBMG publications, including maps (paper only – purchased from us; paper – printed with customized GIS layers added; free on the Web – print your own; CD-ROM version)?
No responses yet for this question.
What other types of information and databases would you like to see in digital format free on the Web?
No responses yet for this question.
In what specific formats would you like digital information placed on the Web (e.g., pdf files, shapefiles, Access databases, spreadsheets)?
No responses yet for this question.
How would you prefer to see digital data organized on the NBMG Website?
No responses yet for this question.
If we were able to extend or change our office hours for the Publication Sales and Information Office, during which hours would you most likely visit or call?
No responses yet for this question.
Other suggestions or concerns?
No responses yet for this question.
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