Retreat Application
Teachers for Social Justice: Deaf* Learners

Date of Conference: August 3-10, 2014        

Application Deadline: May 1, 2014
Announcement of selected candidates by June 1, 2014

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First Name *
Last Name *
Position/Grade Level *
Institution or place of work *
Work Address *
Text Phone *
Work Phone *
Work E-mail *
Email *
That you check regularly
The cost of the retreat is $1,000 TSJDL which includes housing, meals and all curriculum materials.  TSJDL will offer scholarships to offset the cost of the retreat. Would you like to be considered for a $1,000 / $500 / $250 or $100 need-based scholarship?
The retreat will be conducted in ASL.   *
Will you need accommodations (tactile/deaf/blind interpreter, assistive/adaptive technology, etc.)?
How did you hear about TSJDL? *
Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability and comfort level: *
Deaf-Blind / Deaf-Low Vision / Other, Please Specify: *
Gender identity: *
Language/s: *
Nationality: *
Racial/Ethnic identity: *
Religion / Spirituality: *
Sexual Orientation: *
Socio-economic Status (SES): *
Any other socio-cultural identity group membership you feel is relevant: *
Briefly write (2 typed pages or less) or send a video (5 minutes or less) answering the following six questions.  Send your answers via email with the question number clearly stated.  Please submit your videos via youtube link, vimeo, dropbox or any other easily accessible website. *
1.  Why do you want to attend TSJDL?
2. What kinds of experiences have you had that helped you to understand social justice? *
3. In what areas of social justice do you feel you most need to grow and learn? *
4. Describe a time in which you experienced or witnessed oppression. *
5. Comment on the skills you hope to learn during the retreat. *
6. How will you apply what you learn when you return to your school communities?                     *
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