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Saffron Finance Feedback
We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our logistics, user experience, and content for Saffron Finance. Please fill this quick survey and let us know your thoughts (your answers will be anonymous).
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How satisfied were you overall with using Saffron Finance's web3 application? (1 - Not Satisfied, 5 - Very Satisfied) *
Not Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Was it difficult to find the information you were looking for on the dashboard (locating different liquidity pools, APY, TVL values, finding your portfolio etc.)? (1 - Not Difficult, 5 - Very Difficult) *
Not Difficult
Very Difficult
Were you familiar with the concept of tranches and epochs prior to Saffron Finance? *
If you answered no to the previous question, how difficult was it to find an explanation on our website? (1 - Not Difficult, 5 - Very Difficult)
Not Difficult
Very Difficult
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On a scale of one to five, how well do you understand how Saffron Finance works? (1 - Don't Understand, 5 - Completely Understand) *
Don't Understand
Completely Understand
Have you ever participated in a governance discussion on our Discord? *
How would you compare Saffron Finance to other DeFi protocols? If this is your first experience with one, you may skip this question.
What improvements would you like to see? These can range from feature suggestions, suggesting specific liquidity pool be implemented, to anything else you think would make your experience more enjoyable.
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